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The Four Million Homes Programme - Training Opportunities
The Four Million Homes programme is funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and is being run by the Confederation of Co-operative Housing in partnership with PPCR associates. It’s designed to be a catalyst for change in social housing; providing free knowledge, guidance, and training on resident rights and how to stand up for them.
Face-to-face training Newcastle
All events are free to social housing residents. All training sessions will be accredited as part of the Chartered Institute of Housing recognised programme.
This session outlines the key areas of the Regulatory Framework that Registered Providers need to ensure they are compliant with, particularly including new changes to consumer regulation from April 2024.
Wednesday January 15th 13.15-16.30 – Understanding landlord financial models
This session looks at how the finance works, both for landlords' existing homes and the development of new homes.
Wednesday February 12th 13.15-16.30 – Options for resident control
This session explores different options for resident control, ownership and management of their homes and assets.
All sessions can be booked via our website:
Other activities
Our monthly webinar series aims to tackle some of the key issues that are raised by residents. They feature speaker presentations from government, professional body, landlord and resident perspectives and there’s the opportunity to ask questions and lots of space for discussion. We also film the speakers so they can be watched back on our website afterwards.
To date we’ve hosted sessions around:
· Anti-social behaviour
· Damp and mould
· Leaseholders
· New regulations under the Social Housing Regulation Act
· Neighbourhood management
· Complaints
· Energy efficiency
· Communication
· Proposed timescales for repairs under Awaab’s Law
Sessions can be booked onto as they’re announced, or watched back at:
Information, advice and guidance Our Four Million Homes website contains lots of information and guidance on social housing resident rights and the services landlords are required to provide. It covers a wide range of issues including repairs and maintenance for your home and communal areas, anti-social behaviour, and how to tackle your landlord. You can also watch back our webinars as well as some of our training modules, which we’ve produced as videos.
Our A-Z of rights and guidance for social housing residents is a social media campaign, featuring short videos around specific topics, linking to 3-minute landing pages on our website and then into more in-depth website material and webinar content. For residents who have specific problems that they want to address but not the time or resources to join in a webinar or training.
What can you do?
· Share information about upcoming training events in your information or promotional materials
· Follow up on social media @fourmillionhomes and like and share our posts · Sign up to our newsletter to receive details of upcoming activities as we release them · Drop us an email to request a copy of our Supporters’ Kit. This is a pack of resources that has been designed to help you promote the Four Million Homes programme to your residents.
Any questions, get in touch with Helen Bartlett –;
Youth Mental Health First Aid – new course dates (Newcastle)
This fully accredited course from Mental Health First Aid England enables practitioners who work with Young People (aged 8-18) to identify the early signs of Mental Health issues and signpost them to the relevant professional support and to gain confidence in talking to young people openly about their Mental Health and Wellbeing in areas such as:
This is an interactive course, allowing delegates to work in groups as well as an individual. All course resources will be supplied. Upon completion each delegate will be issued with a Mental Health First Aid certificate that is valid for 3 years.
If you would like to book a space, please click on the relevant link below. Please book only one course as places are limited. We require 36hrs notice if you wish to cancel your place. Please only book a space for yourself.
Fawdon Children’s Centre
Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th January 2025
Spaces are fully subsidised by North East and North Cumbria Child Health and Wellbeing Network.
If you have any queries or questions, please contact the course instructor: Simon Davidson on 07525734131 or
Citizens Advice Newcastle (CAN) give free, confidential and independent home energy advice to people who live, work or study in Newcastle. You can speak to an advisor by phone, webchat or email. For urgent matters you can drop in for advice (subject to availability) from Monday to Friday, 10am to 12pm.
Telephone: 0800 448 0721
Read more on InformationNOW about energy saving tips
Community Transport want to gather the views of local organisations and stakeholders on the proposed funded project including where it is most needed, what community resources are available and how best they can work together with other organisations.
You can give your views using their short survey found here
Read more on InformationNOW about Community transport or minibus services
New Dementia Care Group
New Dementia Group starting next Monday 26th February 2024
This will be a monthly meeting running the last Monday of every month, it will be a lovely session offering refreshments, activities and music and is completely free.
It is open to anyone living with Dementia, carers and family members.
Could you please to any contacts you think would be interested in this.
If anyone expresses interest please ask them to contact the centre on 0191 261 6027 to confirm attendance
Dementia group Final poster.pdf
The Newcastle Pantry is coming soon! We are a small social supermarket set up to help people on a low income save money on food shopping bills. We are part of the Newcastle West End Foodbank charity, but we have a separate brand and identity. Unlike a foodbank our members pay a subscription of £5 when they visit one of our pop-up pantries. In return they can choose a minimum of 10 items from a choice of fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy items, tinned items plus other essential household items. Our pantry will accept Healthy Start vouchers allowing eligible households to pay for half of their membership (£2.50) this way. The remainder of their membership needs to be paid in the usual way.
Our first pop-up pantry will be launching at Blakelaw Community Centre in April. To help us celebrate and meet members of the community we’ve arranged a coffee morning on Tuesday 21 March between 10am and 21 noon. If you live in Blakelaw why not come and say hello, see how our pantry will look and find out how you can save money on your shopping.
If you support people living in Blakelaw who could benefit from the pantry please could you help us to promote this offer? I’ve attached a poster and some information on frequently asked questions about the pantry.
If you’re unable to make the coffee morning but would like to know more about the pantry and how it develops email: and we will add you to our pantry mailing list.
FAQ's - Newcastle Community Pantry
Newcastle Community Pantry FAQ's.docx
The return of the Community Defibrillator
Following the sad news that our original defibrillator had been stolen in April 2022, Blakelaw and North Fenham Community have successfully obtained a replacement life saving Defibrillator to help support the community and all the residents in the area of Blakelaw and North Fenham. With the support of the The Red Sky Foundation and the continued support from Your Homes Newcastle, the defibrillator has been placed on the outside of Moorland House.
Alcohol Awareness Leaflet
Alcohol Causes Cancer 2022 PARTNER TOOLKIT FINAL LA7[4552].docx
Tik Tok Awareness Leaflet
Thomas Walling Primary School - Queen's Green Canopy
Mr Serfontein, Deputy Lieutenant, attended Thomas Walling Primary Academy on Monday 11th October, 2021. He addressed an assembly of pupils, explaining the significance of the Queen's Green Canopy and included some very interesting facts about trees. The children thoroughly enjoyed joining in with his 'wow' moments and felt very excited and privileged to be the recipient of one of only 70 birch trees as part of this important initiative. Following the assembly, Mr Serfontein planted the birch tree (betula ermanii) with members of the School Council. It now has pride of place on 'the hill' outside of the school's dining hall, where it can be viewed every day.
More information about the Queen’s Green Canopy, ‘Plant a tree for the Jubilee’, can be found at this website:
Useful Links
Newcastle City Council, Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8QH
Telephone No. 0191 278 7878